Pulse 100 alum shares the Gospel in Malawi

At 15 years old, Caleb Tiede dreamed of doing an internship at Pulse one day. “I wanted to go into ministry,” Caleb says. “But I didn’t know if I had a true calling.”

During COVID, Caleb had more time to spend with the Lord. During this time, God gave him a heart for sharing the Gospel with the lost. So when school resumed again in person, he started a Friday night youth ministry. “I felt the need to call my friends into a deeper relationship with Jesus,” Caleb says. This outreach gave Caleb the chance to preach to his fellow students every week for 4 months.

In summer 2021, Caleb’s prayers were answered when he was accepted at Pulse as a Preaching intern. “The team taught me how to preach, network, and be a servant, not just someone who wants to be on stage. It also solidified my calling in evangelism even more,” Caleb says.

Following the internship, Caleb joined the first Pulse 100 cohort, which connected him with a network of like-minded young evangelists. The program also coincided with his freshman year as a ministry student at Taylor University. Thanks to connections Caleb made through Pulse, he traveled to Malawi for 3 weeks in June through another summer internship to participate in a countrywide crusade. During the trip, Caleb trained and equipped 800-2,500 counselors on how to share the Gospel and evangelized on the streets with them. “That was a powerful experience,” Caleb says. “People there are so hungry. There would be some days where hundreds of people came to Jesus.”

Caleb says his training at Pulse prepared him for this international trip. “If it wasn’t for Pulse, I wouldn’t be at this internship this summer. Those networking connections are just priceless. Pulse helped build my character, confirm my calling, and network with other ministry leaders.”