11 Years of Lives Changed Through Amplify

Amplify Fest is more than a music festival: it’s an outreach that we’re praying God will use to bring the Gospel to people in Arkansas and even the nation.

Over 11 years ago, Outreach Pastor Josh Turner from Holland Chapel in Arkansas had a vision to use the 20 acres they owned behind their church building for a music festival. God laid this same vision on the heart of a local leader, Matt Brumley, and Amplify Fest was born.

Josh remembers praying, “Lord, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, but you do.” He began gathering people in the community for prayer and planning, and what started out as a plan for a 2-hour event soon expanded into a 2-day event.

“Matt and I disagree about how many people were there during the headliner on the first day,” Josh says. “I say he was singing to 5 people, Matt says 11 people.” The second day, the 2 leaders prayed, and within a short time, “the floodgates opened, and thousands of people showed up. The newspaper reported 7,500 in atendance.” That’s when they decided to do the festival again the following year.

Each year, thousands of people gather at the festival, and time and again, God uses the event to reset people’s lives to Jesus.

"We've seen people choosing to follow Jesus and even marriages rekindled," Josh says. "One couple had already split up, but decided to make one last-ditch effort to save their marriage by coming to Amplify together. God did something in them that weekend. Now they use Amplify as their new anniversary!”

"I'm more excited than ever about Amplify and the direction God is taking it,” Josh says. “God has used Amplify in BIG ways. I truly believe the best is yet to come."

The festival is free and open to the public because of the generosity of local businesses and partners who rally behind the annual festival. Visit the festival website by clicking the link below for the complete list of sponsors.