Living Out Her Calling

Rosie Paulk from Pulse 100 Shares the Gospel with All

Rosie Paulk knows her calling in life: to share the Gospel with anyone she meets!

As a member of this year’s Pulse 100 cohort, Rosie talks about Jesus with people at coffee shops, on planes, and anywhere she feels God calling her. She also has a following on TikTok and Instagram where she shares encouraging words and Scripture.

Rosie studies ministry full time at North Central University in Minneapolis. Her sister Dominique was in the first Pulse 100 cohort, and Rosie watched how Dominique grew as an evangelist in the program, so she wanted to follow in her footsteps.

She’s excited for what God is doing among the hearts of the next generation. “I've seen so many people open up to the Gospel this year,” Rosie says. “I've seen people with walls broken down actually listening to me share my story and the Gospel even if the immediate ‘yes’ isn't seen. It's encouraging to…watch the seed take root in their minds and hearts.”

Pulse 100 has pushed Rosie out of her comfort zone as a young evangelist and provided her with a network of people excited about Jesus. “This cohort has encouraged me,” she says. “The mentors remind me of my God-given calling. The community of Pulse 100 is simply unmatched. I'm so thankful!”

Thank you for making Pulse 100 possible to encourage young evangelists like Rosie to grow in their evangelistic callings!