Pulse 100 Retreat in Washington, D.C.

The Pulse 100 just returned from their Spring Retreat at Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. Focusing on passion for God’s Word, the weekend featured teaching from Nick Hall; Mike Kelsey, Teaching Pastor from McLean Bible Church in Montgomery County, Virginia; Evangelist and intern alum and speaker Gabrielle McCullough; Mark Warder, Pulse Senior Training Director; and others.

We invited the community to join the Pulse 100 retreat attendees on Saturday, March 18 for a time of worship, prayer, and repentance with Nick Hall. Over 75 attended this special worship event that captured hearts for Jesus.

The Pulse 100 program is offered digitally, so the in-person retreats provide vital connections and camaraderie for these young evangelists. We’re praying these connections become a lifetime of community as these students grow in their evangelistic callings.

Carley Lofton said the retreat was one of the best experiences of her life. “I came into the retreat desperately wanting more of God,” she said. “I grew a hunger for His Word and understanding it better. I also grew a bigger passion for spreading the Gospel.”