People are being reached with the Gospel in North Dakota because of your generosity!

Over the next two years, Pulse is on mission to create a Gospel touch point for every person in the state of North Dakota. Since the early 2000’s, Nick has longed to return to his home state, where Pulse started, to spread the Good News.

Through prayer and God’s leading, Nick and the Pulse team have felt that the time is right to unleash these efforts and the doors have opened to make this possible. In late February and early March, we are hosting Leader Launches across the state to rally community members to be a part of this movement.

Leader Launches are gatherings of believers from all sectors of local communities, including business, government, schools, the arts, and more. We will rally these leaders in 8 regions of the state to unite together for the Gospel and see the hope of Jesus transform the state in the coming years.

Pray for leaders to be filled with a passion to equip a generation of leaders to share the Gospel!