SUMMER Revival Nights Bring the Gospel Outdoors

This summer, we’re taking our monthly Revival Nights events to Minneapolis-area parks so that more people can hear the Gospel proclaimed outside the Pulse walls.

We held the June event in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. The Pulse 100 cohort, in town for their final national retreat and commissioning, handed out invitations before the event and shared the Gospel with many people, with some saying 'yes' to Jesus. Praise God!

The warm day ended in a pleasant night as over 400 people came out for the event. The MBL Worship band lifted up the name of Jesus, and Nick Hall presented a Gospel message. Many people stood up at the end of the message to indicate their desire to reset their lives to Jesus. Six people came forward to be baptized, and many more received prayer throughout the night.

We’re excited about how God uses this event each month to help usher in revival in the Twin Cities. If you’re in the area, mark your calendars for the next 2 Revival Nights coming up this summer: