First ever Pulse 100 Intensive for former Pulse 100 members!

On July 11-12, Pulse Evangelism had over 40 Pulse 100 Alumni join us at Pulse HQ for our first ever two-day Pulse 100 Alumni Intensive.

This brand new experience is available to those who complete the Pulse 100 program and includes continued education and resources after their initial training concludes.

These Pulse 100 members came from all three of our past cohorts. During the intensive, Nick Hall and Laurel Bunker spent two days pouring into the leaders, which led to extensive times of Q&A to let them into the mind of a full-time evangelist.

The topics that were discussed throughout the weekend were:

  • The Message of The Evangelist and The Importance of Unity (Nick Hall)

  • Plan Your Own Outreach + Pulse 100 Collaboration (Nick Hall)

  • The Evangelist’s Role with The Local Church (Laurel Bunker)

  • Stay In The Game (Nick Hall)

Thank you for being a part of raising up the next generation of evangelists!

Thanks to a $50,000 challenge grant, the impact of your gift will be doubled!

Give by December 31 to help Pulse Evangelism finish the year strong and share the Gospel with even more people in 2025!