a home
for the

We're building a home
for the evangelist.

This year, Pulse and Nick Hall have existed for two purposes: to share Jesus to as many people as possible, and equip others to do the same. By reaching the lost and equipping the evangelist, Jesus is made known. To forward this mission, we are building a training and housing center which will empower, train, and send out the evangelist.

"I'm so grateful to finally not feel alone in my calling."

Sam Shippee
Intern, Fall 2023

Specific Needs

Housing Center Microwaves
($45 each)

Housing Center Beds
($1,390 each)

Housing Center Ceiling Fans
($100 each)

Training Center IT Infrastructure ($29,557)

Training Center
Folding Chairs ($50 each)

Training Center
Paint & Varnish Units ($350 each)

Stay connected to Nick Hall and Pulse.

Join the movement as we take the Gospel to the next gereration.

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There's no
place like

We're taking ground. Join us in building
a home for the evangelist.

There's no
place like

We're taking ground. Join us in building
a home for the evangelist.

The cost of reaching this generation is minimal compared to the cost of doing nothing.

The cost of reaching this generation is minimal compared to the cost of doing nothing.