Pulse Evangelism, led by Evangelist Nick Hall, was born out of a movement to spread the hope of Jesus to a hurting generation on the campus of North Dakota State University. Since its genesis, Pulse Evangelism has moved to Minneapolis and has shared the Gospel to over 330 million people globally, at in-person events and digitally. Pulse Evangelism not only helps spread the Gospel but trains young leaders to become effective evangelists. Below, we have outlined the ways in which you can partner with Pulse Evangelism to make Jesus known.


Evangelist Nick Hall is the Founder and President of Pulse and the President and CEO of The Table Coalition. Since a young age he has been hungry to share the Gospel with unreached people and to raise up the next generation of evangelists. If you would like to learn more about Nick and his global ministry, or have him at your event, you can click here!


Led by evangelist Nick Hall, Pulse 100 is designed to raise up the next generation of leaders for the Gospel. Pulse 100 is a 10-month program that includes bi-weekly masterclasses led by leaders including Nick Hall, Christine Caine, Rick Warren, and Francis Chan.

Not only do they train in masterclasses, but they also receive 1:1 mentorship, attend 4 national retreats, participate in street evangelism opportunities, and
cultivate an incredible community. This program is designed to equip these young leaders to effectively and relevantly deliver the Gospel message.

Cia Cloud’s life changed because of evangelism. Before giving her life to Christ, she was in close proximity to the things of God, but never experienced His presence. The turning point came when Cia was evangelized to in a coffee shop, though she didn’t surrender her life to Jesus until two weeks after the encounter. Despite suffering from social anxiety and tremors, Cia now powerfully preaches the Gospel on stages all over the world and embraces a life of evangelism. She’s been transformed by the love of Jesus and her identity as the undefiled bride of Christ—a truth she carries with her everywhere she goes. Cia speaks to her audience in a way that makes people feel like she’s talking directly to them. She knows that God can work through any circumstance to bring salvation because that has been her story. Because of this, she rallies her generation to share Jesus with those God has placed in front of them.

Cia Cloud’s life changed because of evangelism. Before giving her life to Christ, she was in close proximity to the things of God, but never experienced His presence. The turning point came when Cia was evangelized to in a coffee shop, though she didn’t surrender her life to Jesus until two weeks after the encounter. Despite suffering from social anxiety and tremors, Cia now powerfully preaches the Gospel on stages all over the world and embraces a life of evangelism. She’s been transformed by the love of Jesus and her identity as the undefiled bride of Christ—a truth she carries with her everywhere she goes. Cia speaks to her audience in a way that makes people feel like she’s talking directly to them. She knows that God can work through any circumstance to bring salvation because that has been her story. Because of this, she rallies her generation to share Jesus with those God has placed in front of them.


Josh Musyoka’s walk of faith has been filled with what he would call “deciding moments”. Despite his hesitancy, over and over again he was faced with the decision to say “yes” to the calling that he felt Jesus had placed on his life. It was during a saturday morning nap after working a shift at Starbucks that Josh heard the audible voice of God whispering in his ear, “you’re going to be an evangelist”. Josh could now see that the random urges he had as a high schooler to go on stage and give a word of encouragement to his peers were pointing to what God would later call him to. Now, relying on the Holy Spirit, Josh has one goal when he gets up on stage: to present his audience with a decision that has the power to change their life. His “yes” to Jesus altered the course of his life and he invites others to come and follow Jesus with him.

As a kid, Rodereck Blassingame experienced abuse, family dysfunction, and found himself in the foster care system. In his quest for love and acceptance he joined the LGBTQ+ community where he lived a life of homosexuality for 10 years. Nevertheless, Rodereck still desired something more. He heard the simplicity of the Gospel in his home after joining a bible study on Zoom during the pandemic. It was that night that he realized it wasn’t a thing he was looking for, it was a person—Jesus. Since this encounter, Rodereck has committed to a lifestyle of evangelism. He preaches the Gospel everywhere, from his college classes to the street. He is especially passionate about sharing Jesus with people in the LGBTQ+ community, and sees himself as a bridge between this community and the Church. Rodereck wants to give everyone the same invitation that has transformed his life.


Austin is a Christian speaker and writer with the Josh McDowell Ministry, empowered and equipped to impact a struggling and searching generation with the good news of Jesus Christ.

With a passion for apologetics, evangelism, and wholeness, Austin provides a relevant and authentic voice. As Gen Z faces questions and wrestles through challenges of doubt, authority, pornography, loneliness, and depression, Austin speaks not only to their minds, but also their hearts. Christianity is true, and living according to God’s design is what we were created for. After graduating from Liberty University with a degree in Psychology and Counseling, Austin served as Josh McDowell’s personal assistant, traveling to 14 countries and speaking to thousands. A graduate of Talbot School of Theology, Austin has now spoken around the United States and abroad to various audiences and is a regular contributor to the josh.org blog posts.


Austin Fruits is a Christian speaker and writer with the Josh McDowell Ministry, empowered and equipped to impact a struggling and searching generation with the good news of Jesus Christ.

With a passion for apologetics, evangelism, and wholeness, Austin provides a relevant and authentic voice. As Gen Z faces questions and wrestles through challenges of doubt, authority, pornography, loneliness, and depression, Austin speaks not only to their minds, but also their hearts. Christianity is true, and living according to God’s design is what we were created for. After graduating from Liberty University with a degree in Psychology and Counseling, Austin served as Josh McDowell’s personal assistant, traveling to 14 countries and speaking to thousands. A graduate of Talbot School of Theology, Austin has now spoken around the United States and abroad to various audiences and is a regular contributor to the

josh.org blog posts.



Emma Gilmer lives to tell others of the confidence and freedom she’s found in Jesus. After feeling isolated by shame and guilt in her hidden struggle with sexual sin, Emma found healing through confession, accountability, and, ultimately, her identity in Christ. She knows firsthand the battle between the lies of the enemy and the voice of the Father and has come to understand that only his voice of Truth holds power for breakthrough. Emma is passionate about dismantling the stigma of sexual struggles only being a male issue, as well as equipping people to walk in the identity and confidence that comes from Jesus. She has used her voice and story in the Live Original (LO) ministry founded by Sade Robertson, where she writes blog posts for the LO app and ministers to young women. 


As a freshman in college, Rosie Paulk moved from just knowing about Jesus to having a personal relationship with Him. She grew up under the weight of performance, attempting to be something for God. She pursued leadership positions and ministry opportunities that others expected her to be in. Freedom came when Rosie began to understand that Jesus wanted a daughter, not a slave. She now preaches this message to anyone who will listen: The Gospel is about what Jesus did for you and not about what you can do for Him. With this conviction, she brings every sermon she preaches back to what Jesus did on the cross and the gift He offers to all.   


JD Caballero comes from a family of preachers and missionaries and now walks a similar path, though his journey with Jesus has been unique. JD was born in Argentina and moved to the U.S in 2016. As a talented soccer player, JD found himself headed in the direction of going pro at one point. The sport trained him to always deliver the best performance and strive for perfection. When the Bible confronted JD of his sin, he tried to overcome his struggles with the tactics he learned in soccer: being perfect. JD preached the gospel in schools and churches, yet he preached from outside the gate of grace and beckoned people to go in, though he had not experienced the grace and love of the Father for himself. That was until JD encountered Jesus not as a coach, but as a father in a vision and has been changed ever since. He now preaches as someone who lives inside the grace of God. JD is committed to reaching three types of people he believes are in every crowd; the person that has never heard the gospel, the “unsaved Christian”, and those who have experienced church hurt. Given his background, JD can proclaim the Good News in Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English. This allows him to connect with and understand the struggles of Gen Z across different backgrounds.

Caleb Tiede grew up in the church but only had head knowledge about Jesus. He portrayed himself as a leader, but hid behind a mask of self-righteousness and pursued sin that falsely promised life. Jesus was Caleb’s belief system, but not someone he had a personal relationship with. When the world went into lockdown in 2020, what felt like an ending to his life became the beginning of real life with Jesus. In the quiet, Caleb could no longer find excuses to not read his Bible. As he began to read for hours, he fell in love with Jesus, experienced His grace, and began to walk in freedom from sin. When he preaches, Caleb embraces the power of story and loves to share his testimony, stories of evangelism, and stories from the Bible in a dynamic and fresh way. Though he may be young, he argues that the Bible isn’t, so he leans on it in every message he gives.  


In a world where people don’t want to be inconvenienced, Allen Stokes unashamedly preaches that there is a cost to following Jesus—and the cost is worth everything. In college, Allen had it all. He was playing D1 golf, starting to make money, and dating his girlfriend from highschool. In the midst of his success, Allen felt incredibly unfulfilled and found that the things that had once given him worth failed him, only to leave him feeling worthless. He claimed to be a Christian, but didn’t know God, and deep down, he was angry at him. After seeing people talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus on Tik Tok, Allen began reading His Bible and fell in love with Jesus. What once seemed like a set of rules to abide by turned into the most loving and transformative relationship he has ever known. Now, Allen lives to follow Jesus and invites others to do the same. He charges his audience to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Jesus, which leads to true life. 


Abraham Carrillo uses his voice to call the next generation back to Jesus. Abraham is well acquainted with the struggles young people face. As a young boy, he dealt with racism, loneliness, bigotry, anger, and the like. His life changed when he met an evangelist who committed to loving him rather than changing him. Abraham came to the realization that he had tried everything, except for Jesus. After surrendering his old life, Abraham found new life in Jesus and began to share the Gospel with his peers. Currently, Abraham is a youth pastor, evangelist, and youth ministry consultant. He uses the power of story in his teachings and equips young adults in how to share the Good News. Abraham is known for giving his audience practical methods to minister to people through generational, cultural, and religious lines.



Josh Musyoka’s walk of faith has been filled with what he would call “deciding moments”. Despite his hesitancy, over and over again he was faced with the decision to say “yes” to the calling that he felt Jesus had placed on his life. It was during a saturday morning nap after working a shift at Starbucks that Josh heard the audible voice of God whispering in his ear, “you’re going to be an evangelist”. Josh could now see that the random urges he had as a high schooler to go on stage and give a word of encouragement to his peers were pointing to what God would later call him to. Now, relying on the Holy Spirit, Josh has one goal when he gets up on stage: to present his audience with a decision that has the power to change their life. His “yes” to Jesus altered the course of his life and he invites others to come and follow Jesus with him.



JD Caballero comes from a family of preachers and missionaries and now walks a similar path, though his journey with Jesus has been unique. JD was born in Argentina and moved to the U.S in 2016. As a talented soccer player, JD found himself headed in the direction of going pro at one point. The sport trained him to always deliver the best performance and strive for perfection. When the Bible confronted JD of his sin, he tried to overcome his struggles with the tactics he learned in soccer: being perfect. JD preached the gospel in schools and churches, yet he preached from outside the gate of grace and beckoned people to go in, though he had not experienced the grace and love of the Father for himself. That was until JD encountered Jesus not as a coach, but as a father in a vision and has been changed ever since. He now preaches as someone who lives inside the grace of God. JD is committed to reaching three types of people he believes are in every crowd; the person that has never heard the gospel, the “unsaved Christian”, and those who have experienced church hurt. Given his background, JD can proclaim the Good News in Portuguese and Spanish, as well as English. This allows him to connect with and understand the struggles of Gen Z across different backgrounds.





As your event approaches, Pulse Evangelism will provide a
systematic process to gather pastors and ministry
leaders to cast vision for your festival. We will come
together over a meal to encourage the outstanding
leadership in your community. These gatherings work
to fortify those who are actively working to bring the
hope of the Gospel to your area through the power of
prayer. During this time of fellowship, your promotional
material will be made available for ministry leaders to
bring back to their churches and share the heartbeat
behind the festival with their congregation or ministry.


If the goal of your event is to reach young people in your
area, we can host a Church Youth Night to promote the
event. Our team will bring in a speaker and/or panel to present the Gospel and a possible artist for an impactful worship night.


The Make Jesus Known Training led by evangelistic leaders like Mark Warder, Jake Sullivan, Marcus Montana, or select Pulse 100 members, teaches our unique evangelism content. The purpose of this 60-minute training is to equip youth and young adults to effectively share the Gospel, no matter where God places them. This training will equip the next generation to pray, care for those around them, and start life-changing spiritual conversations surrounded by the Gospel. Join us in raising up the next generation to make evangelism a lifestyle, not a one-time event. If you would like to preview some of the content that our team would teach, check out the Make Jesus Known website here!


To promote your event and serve the community, Pulse Evangelism will offer a national recording artist to attend your local schools in an assembly style. This free event will be a private pre-viewing of one or a few of the songs from that artist. They will share a clear message with students on topics like positive thinking, self-worth, setting goals, and the value of learning from mistakes and failures.


At the end of your event, our specialized follow-up team can implement a system to track Gospel responses. This is done through a text-in system to our team in real time! We can respond to prayer requests, provide discipleship resources, and match them with a church in the area of your choice within 16 hours.

Are you looking for an easy way to share your faith? Then the Anthem Tract Cards could be exactly what you are looking for!