JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America is located at 2141 Lindau Lane, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA, 55425
Parking is available on-site:
(6 hour limit)
The JW Marriott is accessible through the MOA’s North Entrance on the 2nd floor.
f you would like to arrange an overnight stay at the JW Marriott under the Pulse Room Block rate please visit Book your group rate for Pulse Gala Oct2024 or call 1-800-228-9290 and ask for the Pulse Gala Room Block rate. The cutoff date for our special group rate is Thursday, September 26, 2024.
5:45pm Event Check-In is open outside the lobby
6:00pm Meet and Greet: Socialize with Hors d’oeuvres outside Diamond Ballroom
6:30pm Welcome and Dinner
7:20pm Music with Special Guest Matthew West
7:50pm Evening Program with Nick Hall and Special Guests
9:25pm Closing Prayer and Evening Concludes
Attire for the evening is Professional Business Attire